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Is your Ex back with his Ex?

Is your ex back with his ex? Were you hoping he would get back with you instead? Did he end your relationship because he got back with his ex while you were dating? Did he end your relationship because he got back with his ex? Both of these things can be true, but it aint the whole story.

Is Your Ex Back with His Ex?
It could be that your ex ended your relationship for a reason. It could be he lied to you. It could be he was mentally abusive. It could be he cheated. It could be he didn’t want to be alone. All of these things may be true, but it isn’t necessarily the reason your relationship ended. It could be he got back with his ex and you want to find out why so you can try to put it right. You won’t find out why your relationship ended without losing your partner, just as you won’t find out why your relationship ended because of one thing or the other.

So don’t jump to a conclusion that your ex got back with his ex. You won’t find out why it ended if he doesn’t tell you. You won’t find out why it ended if he tells you. You need to wait until he tells you. Then you can make up your mind. You can decide if you want to keep fighting, or let go. You can decide to go forward with a relationship with this person, or you can move on and find someone who wants the same things out of life and love as you do.

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